Thursday 19 September 2013


Well it was certainty a challenge. I ended up eating about 900 calories and had to exorcise to make it back to 500 calories. I read online thats ok though! I had cereal with honey for breakfast as I cant have milk. For lunch I had 2 small tubs of peaches and jelly which have only 15 calories in each tub. I also had a quarter of a banana then a few chips i pinched from my mum. Tomorrow i'm only allowed 300 calories which i'm not looking forward to. I was so tempted to touch the carrot cake in the fridge today it was insane! Im thinking tomorrow!

On the bright side I weighed in at 54.3kg today. It might go up considering the amount of water I drank today. Fingers cross though. oh! and my new Triangl bikinis came! They look great on and feel amazing! suggest it to everyone. Anyway below is a few images of my current weight i forgot to upload the other night. ! XXX

Wednesday 18 September 2013

These are images from when I was only 45-48 kg and about 171cm tall. This is all I plan to get back to as i no longer weight 45-48kg but 55kg. Im not much bigger, just not as thin. Hopefully by doing the ABC diet I will get my skinnyness back again! it's not going to be easy. I used to just do 30 minutes of walking and eat yoghurt. But my skin now can't have much dairy as it now causes me acne. My skin is clear but at the sacrifice of milk. Tell me what you guys think. Is this a good weight? Or should I go thinner or bigger? XX
Before I start its important to let you guys know my current weight and height. This is a pretty intense diet plan, and if i get to thin or something goes wrong i may have to give it a stop. Im going to eat healthy foods during this process so I have more meals and still be under the calorie limit. So anyway, here is my height, weight etc:

Height: 172cm

Weight: 54kg

Age: 16

Dress size: 6 to 8

So those are my measurements and hopefully they will change soon! I used to weight 45kg, which was considered underweight for my height but I really was happy at that weight. I don't intend to go any lower than 45kg as I think for me thats thin enough.

Fingers crossed I can stick to this and hopefully have my thin body back by Queensland or earlier!

The ABC Diet

Hello guys! This is the ABC Diet for those of you unsure to what it is. I will be starting tomorrow! Im considering not doing the fasting days just because of how bad it is for you. Ill decide how I feel when i get to the end. Good luck to me!